Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 1262

Chapter 1262


Tyrone replied, She mentioned that she regrets not guiding Larry better and that shes filled with sorrow when reminiscing.

Sabrina cast one more curious glance at him before heading downstairs.

With kindergarten nearly letting out, Tyrone instructed the driver to pick up Jennie before heading to a restaurant for dinner.

As they enjoyed their meal, Tyrones phone interrupted the conversation.

He retrieved it from his suit pocket, noting that it was a call from Kira.


I need to take this call. Tyrone excused himself and left the dining area.

Gazing at the familiar name, he answered the phone.

Hello? Tyrone?

A familiar female voice came through the phone.

After a brief pause, she continued, I know youre listening. Youve learned the truth about yourself, right?

Tyrone replied in a hushed tone, Yes. Whats on your mind?

Kira hadnt anticipated Tyrone would still be so indifferent when he knew she was his biological mother. Frustration simmered as she spoke with patience.

Tyrone, I want to come back, to be with you, to make amends

Tyrones response was swift and unyielding, No.

Without hesitation, he continued, You should stay abroad. That way, I still acknowledge you as my mother but dont expect warmth from me.

Otherwise, dont be surprised if I turn cold and ruthless.

The boy who had yearned for a mothers warmth in his youth had grown into a thirty-year-old man who no longer felt the need for a mother.

His attitude toward Kira was conditional. If Kira treated him well and didnt harm Sabrina, he would treat her well.

If Kira crossed that line, her reception would be far from welcoming.

Kira was taken aback, a mixture of shock, anger, and confusion clouding her tone.

Tyrone, Im your mother! Is this how you treat your own mother? Is it because of that woman? Dont be absurd!

Larry killed her father. You two will never have a peaceful life together. Do you think she holds no grudge against you? Youre dreaming if you believe shell be with you one day!

Tyrone halted, his tone laced with puzzlement.

Im struggling to grasp your animosity toward Sabrina. Could it stem from the Rita, Horaces second wife?

